
Install Rasa suite for chatbot

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To use chatbot to coordinate automatic systems, I have searched many options. There are Google’s dialogflow, and Microsoft’s Azure bots. Dialogflow charge money once I need to use REST API calls, and Azure is just too complicated to set up all the services. No luck with multiple tries for both. I have previously used Rasa for work, and have some experience in how it works.

  1. Go to Rasa’s website and install Rasa X using docker. https://rasa.com/docs/rasa-x/installation-and-setup/install/docker-compose
  2. Need to load the NLU markdown data, story markdown data, and domain.yml files.
  3. Also make sure git repo is connected. I still don’t know how it work, because it’s not loading the files in that git repo.
  4. The only way I found to work is follow the documentation here, regarding action server. No need to change the endpoint.yml anymore though.
  5. Instead of editing the new docker-compose.override.yml file, just go back to the docker-compose.yml file and edit the app_1 part and replace with this:
    restart: always
    image: "rasa/rasa-sdk:latest"
      - ./actions:/app/actions
      - "5055"
      - rasa-production

Now it should be good to go once with use docker-compose up -d again!