Decision Stories

Decision Stories

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I was always fascinated with artificial general intelligence. In particular, I’m constantly thinking about how to generate a computer equivalent of how humans think and act. It has been difficult to make such systems because the current deep learning techniques is focusing on detection techniques like vision and NLP. Not much is focused on how humans interpret information and make decisions. So I thought about what things can be useful to the masses, yet still reflect how the human brain works.

The project I come up with is in the form of presenting a short story to the user and asking how they make decisions based on the story. When the user needs to make similar decisions in the future, there is a repository of similar stories and decisions made previously by the user, and the repository can be used to mimic the closest decision the user would have made. Although not exactly replicating the intelligence of the user, if we can make similar decisions as the user, then the end result is similar in terms of impact on their life.

Our adult lives are filled with decisions we have to make. As much as we like to, we don’t normally change how we make decisions, unless there is a life-altering event, such as a near-death experience or the loss of a family member. If we can capture how people make decisions, and able to replicate those decisions, then it’s as if we replicated the person’s behavior and values.

It may also be useful to the individual, in exposing the way that they make decisions, and asking if they like to make changes to how they are making those decisions. Pointing out the consequences of the decision-making sometimes can trigger the changes they need, without going through the life-altering experiences

(To be continued …)

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